by Care

Hi There
Here you will find information on Anmum, parenting and our products.
Breast milk is the best nutrition you can give to your baby. It's full of everything a baby needs to grow and develop in a healthy way. It's important that all mums, including breastfeeding mums, look after themselves too with a healthy balanced diet.
However, breast feeding may not come easily to all mums. We know new parents are on a journey, and we want to support this with science-based information, whilst not discouraging breast feeding.
If you're considering introducing infant formula, we understand that is a really tough decision and it's important to discuss this with your midwife, doctor or nurse first. A decision not to breastfeed, or to introduce partial bottle feeding, could reduce your supply of breast milk and be a difficult decision to reverse as well as an added cost to your family budget. If you do choose to use infant formula, always follow instructions for use carefully, as unnecessary or improper use may make your baby sick.
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