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About Us

Diet Changes Between Semesters | Anmum

We live in a country with a strong belief on paglilihe or the Filipino notion that what pregnant women crave and eat will have an effect on their child. Because of paglilihe, some Filipino pregnant women think that it is okay to eat whatever they crave for. But that is not the case. Being pregnant requires proper nutrition that changes per trimester.

FAQs | Anmum

Why Too Much Sugar is Bad for The Developing Baby | Anmum (MY)

This is the only time you can eat whatever you want!”, said just about everyone to pregnant women.

Our Heritage | Anmum™

We are a co-operative owned by 10,500 New Zealand farming families. But as a world leader in dairy, we also call 20,000 employees part of the Fonterra family worldwide.

How to Increase the Odds of Getting Pregnant | Anmum (MY)

Check out these 6 ways to help improve your chances of getting pregnant. This article has been written for couples who are trying to conceive naturally.

17 thg 5 2022

1 min read

Nine Foods to Avoid When Breastfeeding | Anmum

Coffee, Chocolate, Citrus fruits, Broccoli and Spicy Foods are a few of the foods that you should avoid eating during the breastfeeding period.

Nine Foods to Avoid When Breastfeeding | Anmum

Coffee, Chocolate, Citrus fruits, Broccoli and Spicy Foods are a few of the foods that you should avoid eating during the breastfeeding period.

Trust In Source | Anmum™

Fonterra, the creators of Anmum™, have been dairy farming in New Zealand for more than a century. We have brought industry safety standards to new levels.

Why Too Much Sugar is Bad for The Developing Baby | Anmum (MY)

This is the only time you can eat whatever you want!”, said just about everyone to pregnant women.

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